Account type: Expert

This account type implies that your seed phrases become your own responsibility as well as backing up your assets before switching. In expert mode you also have the possibility of having your friends safely store your seed phrase through an encrypted QR code.

Please keep in mind that if you lose access to your seed phrase, your funds will be lost and cannot be returned to you since no one except you has access to the seed phrase.

Be careful and never, under any circumstances, share your private wallet seed phrase with other people.

When creating a wallet that is completely controlled by you, make sure that you have withdrawn/transferred all of your assets and the total balance of your funds is 0, because when you create a new wallet in Expert mode, you will lose access to your previous wallet. However, in the future, the multi-account feature will be available for users to be able to regain access to their lost funds.

If you completely lose access to your wallet, Chainge is not responsible and will not be able to recover your funds, due to the absolute decentralization with which you agreed to when signing up.

Switch to Expert mode - Import a wallet

Switch to Expert mode - Create new wallet

Last updated