
Examples of basic use.

import Chainge, { ConfigOptions, ExecuteParams, StatusOptions } from '@chaigne/sdk'

const options: ConfigOptions = {
    appKey: 'your appKey', // your appKey
    secret: 'your secret', // your secret, as demonstrated here, a local signature is used
const chainge = new Chainge(options)

const transactionExecute = async () => {
    const userAddress = 'Your wallet account address'
    const params: ExecuteParams = {
        evmAddress: userAddress,
        feeLevel: 0,
        fromAddress: userAddress,
        fromAmount: '10',
        fromChain: 'ETH',
        fromToken: 'USDT',
        toChain: 'BSC',
        toToken: 'USDT',

    const optionsObj: StatusOptions = {
        mills: 3000, // Order status refresh frequency, milliseconds
        progressCallback: (data) => { 
            // Cross-chain step state callback function
        orderCallback: (data) => {
            // Order status callback function
    try {
        await chainge.execute((window as any).ethereum, params, optionsObj)
    } catch(error) {
        // All errors will be shown here
// execute

For a more detailed example, see here.

Last updated