This example is for demonstration purposes only.
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
import { formatUnits, hexlify, parseUnits, toUtf8Bytes } from 'ethers'
import { getAggregateQuote, getChain } from '../api.js';
const fromAddress = 'kaspa:qzg4g46sd3hnax9fnjqdc2jfljs39f9ng00ntfhdz28rfwyc8adzuksnutgrq'
const toAddress = 'kaspa:qzg4g46sd3hnax9fnjqdc2jfljs39f9ng00ntfhdz28rfwyc8adzuksnutgrq'
const publicKey = '03915457506c6f3e98a99c80dc2a49fca112a4b343df35a6ed128e34b8983f5a2e'
const wallet = {} // The kasWare wallet object.
const channelFeeRate = '0'
// This information can be obtained through the getAssets APIs.
const fromTokenForKAS = {
index: '18',
symbol: 'KAS',
decimals: 8,
address: '0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'
const toTokenForKAS = {
index: '103',
symbol: 'PEPE',
decimals: 8,
address: 'PEPE'
// init base data
let supportChainList = []
const initData = async() => {
const chains = await getChain()
supportChainList = chains
const fromAmount = '100'
const amount = parseUnits(fromAmount, fromTokenForKAS.decimals).toString()
let extra = ''
let customSlippage = '5' // percentage format, ex: 5%
let toExpectAmount = ''
const fnGetAggregateQuote = async () => {
const quoteParams = {
fromAmount: amount,
fromTokenAddress: fromTokenForKAS.address,
fromDecimal: fromTokenForKAS.decimals,
fromChain: 'KAS',
toTokenAddress: toTokenForKAS.address,
toDecimal: toTokenForKAS.decimals,
toChain: 'KAS',
channelFeeRate: channelFeeRate,
// quote
const quoteResult = await getAggregateQuote(quoteParams)
if(quoteResult.code !== 0) return
const { chain, chainDecimal, outAmount, serviceFee, gasFee, slippage } =
const receiveAmount = BigInt(outAmount) - BigInt(serviceFee) - BigInt(gasFee)
if(receiveAmount <= BigInt(0)) {
// The current quote amount cannot cover the fees. Please enter a larger amount.
// execution Chain Info
const executionChainObj = supportChainList.find((item) => === chain)
// Calculate the value the user should receive.
const receiveAmountHr = formatUnits(receiveAmount, chainDecimal)
const receiveAmountForExtra = parseUnits(receiveAmountHr, toTokenForKAS.decimals).toString()
// Computed minimum, After calculating the minimum value, we need to convert it to the decimals of the target chain.
// The slippage here is in percentage format.
// The slippage returned by this interface is our recommended value, but you can set your own slippage.
const tempSlippage = customSlippage || slippage
const miniAmount = BigNumber(receiveAmountHr).multipliedBy(BigNumber((1 - (tempSlippage * 0.01)))).toFixed(toTokenForKAS.decimals)
const miniAmountForExtra = parseUnits(miniAmount, toTokenForKAS.decimals).toString()
// 1_Expected value;2_Third party profit ratio;3_version;4_Mini Amount;5_Execution chain
extra = `1_${receiveAmountForExtra};2_${channelFeeRate};3_2;4_${miniAmountForExtra};5_${executionChainObj.nickName}`
customSlippage = tempSlippage
toExpectAmount = receiveAmountForExtra
const fnSubmitOrder = async (tradeHash) => {
const sourceCertsObj = {
fromAmount: amount,
fromIndex: fromTokenForKAS.index.toString(),
fromChain: 'KAS',
fromAddr: fromAddress,
certHash: tradeHash,
fromPublicKey: publicKey,
signature: "123456",
const sourceCertsStr = JSON.stringify(sourceCertsObj);
let sourceCertsHex = hexlify(toUtf8Bytes(sourceCertsStr));
sourceCertsHex = sourceCertsHex.substring(2);
// The slippage here needs to be converted to basis points (1/10,000).
let slippageNumBI = BigNumber(customSlippage)
const formatSlippage = slippageNumBI.multipliedBy(BigNumber(100)).toFixed(0)
const params = {
"sourceCerts": sourceCertsHex,
"orderType": "2",
"toIndex": toTokenForKAS.index.toString(),
"toChain": "KAS",
"toAddr": toAddress,
"slippage": formatSlippage,
"execStrategy": "",
"extra": extra,
"triggerPrice": "0",
"timeout": "0",
"channel": "chainge" // your channel
let raw = `${sourceCertsObj.certHash}_${sourceCertsObj.fromChain}_${sourceCertsObj.fromIndex}_${sourceCertsObj.fromAmount}_${params.toChain}_${params.toIndex}_${toExpectAmount}_${params.toAddr}`
// Use the signMessage method of the kasWare wallet to sign a string.
// let signature = wallet.signMessage(raw)
let signature = ''
const header = {
Address: fromAddress,
PublicKey: publicKey,
Chain: 'KAS',
Signature: signature
const response = await fetch('', {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(params)
const result = await response.json()
const fnCore = async () => {
// step 1: init base data
await initData()
// step 2: quote
await fnGetAggregateQuote()
// step 3: Send transaction
// You need to initiate a transaction to our minter through the wallet, and obtain the hash. This hash will be the transaction hash.
// const txHash = await wallet.signKRC20Transaction()
const txHash = ''
// step 4: submitOrder
await fnSubmitOrder(txHash)
We have three minter addresses; make sure to distinguish between them when using them.