Aggregate Swap
The purpose of this interface is to provide a convenient method for you to have the ability to exchange directly within the same chain. Here is a complete example.
// It's an example from USDT on BNB to USDC on BNB
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
import { MaxUint256, ethers, formatUnits, hexlify, parseUnits, toUtf8Bytes } from 'ethers'
import { getAggregateQuote, getAggregateSwap, getAssets, getBridgeQuote, getChain } from './api.js';
const USDTTokenForBnb = {
index: '5',
symbol: 'USDT',
decimals: 18,
address: '0x55d398326f99059ff775485246999027b3197955',
burnable: false
const USDCTokenForBnb = {
index: '6',
symbol: 'USDC',
decimals: 18,
address: '0x8ac76a51cc950d9822d68b83fe1ad97b32cd580d',
burnable: false
const fromAmount = '5'
const amount = parseUnits(fromAmount, USDTTokenForBnb.decimals).toString()
const params = {
fromAmount: amount,
fromTokenAddress: USDTTokenForBnb.address,
fromDecimal: USDTTokenForBnb.decimals,
fromChain: 'BNB',
toTokenAddress: USDCTokenForBnb.address,
toDecimal: USDCTokenForBnb.decimals,
toChain: 'BNB',
channelFeeRate: channelFeeRate,
// quote
const quoteResult = await getAggregateQuote(params)
if(quoteResult.code !== 0) return
const { chain, chainDecimal, outAmount, serviceFee, gasFee, slippage } =
const receiveAmount = BigInt(outAmount) - BigInt(serviceFee) - BigInt(gasFee)
if(receiveAmount <= BigInt(0)) {
// The current quote amount cannot cover the fees. Please enter a larger amount.
// execution Chain Info
const executionChainObj = supportChainList.find((item) => === chain)
// Calculate the value the user should receive.
const receiveAmountHr = formatUnits(receiveAmount, chainDecimal)
const receiveAmountForExtra = parseUnits(receiveAmountHr, BNBTokenForBnb.decimals).toString()
// Computed minimum, After calculating the minimum value, we need to convert it to the decimals of the target chain.
const miniAmount = BigNumber(receiveAmountHr).multipliedBy(BigNumber((1 - (slippage * 0.01)))).toString()
const miniAmountForExtra = parseUnits(miniAmount, BNBTokenForBnb.decimals).toString()
// 1_Expected value;2_Third party profit ratio;3_version;4_Mini Amount;5_Execution chain
const extra = `1_${receiveAmountForExtra};2_${channelFeeRate};3_2;4_${miniAmountForExtra};5_${executionChainObj.nickName}`
// If the execution chain is not the chain you selected.
if(executionChainObj.nickName !== 'BNB') {
// likely method fnTestAggregate
// This information can be obtained through the getChain APIs,(builtInMinterProxyV2)
const v2ContractForBNB = '0x99a57ac044e6ce44b7e161a07af0d3e693a75b54'
const channel = 'chainge'
const toChain = 'BNB' // here is BNB
const toTokenAddress = USDCTokenForBnb.address
const toAddr = userAddress
const shortOrderStr = `${channel}:${toChain}:${toTokenAddress}:${toAddr}:${slippage}:${extra}`
const orderParamsHex = hexlify(toUtf8Bytes(shortOrderStr))
let value = '0'
if(USDTTokenForBnb.address === '0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee') {
value = amount
const isApproved = await tokenApprove(USDTTokenForBnb, v2ContractForBNB)
if(!isApproved) return false
const signer = await getSigner()
const writeContract = new ethers.Contract(v2ContractForBNB, abi, signer)
const options = {value: value}
const result = await writeContract.vaultOut(USDTTokenForBnb.address, amount, USDTTokenForBnb.burnable, orderParamsHex, options)
} else {
// This information can be obtained through the getChain APIs(builtInSwapProxy)
const v2SwapContractForBNB = '0xbffca20712e0906d1ef74f3e0a7cbe050aa6228a'
const params = {
chain: 'BNB',
fromTokenAddress: USDTTokenForBnb.address,
fromDecimal: USDTTokenForBnb.decimals,
fromAmount: amount,
toTokenAddress: USDCTokenForBnb.address,
toDecimal: USDCTokenForBnb.decimals,
sender: userAddress,
recipient: v2SwapContractForBNB,
allowPartialFill: true,
const swapResult = await getAggregateSwap(params)
if(swapResult.code !== 0) return
const {data, to} =
const channel = 'chainge'
const toChain = 'BNB' // here is BNB
const toTokenAddress = USDCTokenForBnb.address
const toAddr = userAddress
const shortOrderStr = `${channel}:${toChain}:${toTokenAddress}:${toAddr}:${slippage}:${extra}`
const orderParamsHex = hexlify(toUtf8Bytes(shortOrderStr))
let value = '0'
if(USDTTokenForBnb.address === '0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee') {
value = amount
const isApproved = await tokenApprove(USDTTokenForBnb, v2SwapContractForBNB)
if(!isApproved) return false
const signer = await getSigner()
const writeContract = new ethers.Contract(v2SwapContractForBNB, abi, signer)
const options = {value: value}
const result = await writeContract.swap(USDTTokenForBnb.address, amount, to, USDCTokenForBnb.address, userAddress, miniAmountForExtra, data, orderParamsHex, options)
Last updated
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